Aaron Li's Blog

In solitude, where we are least alone.


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ASL语言学习(2)- Debug,常用操作符

续上一篇ASL语言学习(1)- 基本语法,作用域,这一篇我们介绍ASL语言的一种debug方法,以及一些常用操作符的使用。


ACPI Source Language (ASL) Tutorial

ACPI Source Language (ASL) Reference

Debug under Linux (Ubuntu)

ACPI table是由BIOS提供在OS下使用的Interface,debug要在OS下进行,这里介绍下Linux下debug的工具:acpidbg

本人参考了这篇文章做的环境配置,使用的系统是Ubuntu 22.04。


acpidbg由linux kernel提供,要安装这个package:

sudo apt install linux-tools-`uname -r` linux-tools-generic


sudo apcidbg
- help

Summary of AML Debugger Commands

Namespace Access:
  Businfo                             Display system bus info
  Disassemble <Method>                Disassemble a control method

- exit
log read pipe closed.

也直接用batch mode:

sudo acpidbg -b help

Summary of AML Debugger Commands

Namespace Access:
  Businfo                             Display system bus info
  Disassemble <Method>                Disassemble a control method


help message 提供了很多命令,这里介绍下常用的几个命令。



- find TEC1
                       \_SB.TEC1 Method       00000000d398a1f7 007 Args 1 Len 000D Aml 00000000c3104e44


- find BUF1
                  \_SB.MTH1.BUF1 Buffer       00000000ca490f2e 005 Len 10 = 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB CC
                       \_SB.BUF1 Buffer       0000000085cc641a 007 Len 03 = 48 65 6C


- find TEC?
                       \_SB.TEC1 Method       00000000d398a1f7 007 Args 1 Len 000D Aml 00000000c3104e44
                       \_SB.TEC2 Method       00000000a0d9520d 007 Args 1 Len 0016 Aml 00000000631c9553
                       \_SB.TEC3 Method       00000000bdee4709 007 Args 1 Len 0016 Aml 0000000054f643e9
                       \_SB.TEC4 Method       00000000a89657a5 007 Args 1 Len 0016 Aml 00000000759d7803
                       \_SB.TEC5 Method       0000000004b8040a 007 Args 0 Len 0099 Aml 0000000059cf2ee9
                       \_SB.TEC6 Method       00000000ef623c07 007 Args 0 Len 0061 Aml 000000007fbd2141
                       \_SB.TEC7 Method       00000000eb393881 007 Args 0 Len 001D Aml 00000000567e0efb



- dump \_SB.BUF1
Object 0000000085cc641a: Namespace Node - Pathname: \_SB.BUF1
                Name : BUF1
                Type : 03 [Buffer]
               Flags : 0000
            Owner Id : 0007
         Object List : 00000000d43decde Buffer (Type 03)
              Parent : 000000005d923ff5 [_SB_]
               Child : 0000000000000000
                Peer : 000000009b68a860 [INT1]

Attached Object 00000000d43decde:
                Type : 03 [Buffer]
     Reference Count : 0001
               Flags : 04
         Object List : 0000000000000000 - No attached objects
              Length : 00000003
             Pointer : 00000000d1b3dd47
         Parent Node : 0000000085cc641a [BUF1]

execute, evaluate


Execute <Namepath> [Arguments] 
  [Arguments] formats:                Control method argument formats
     Hex Integer                      Integer
     "Ascii String"                   String
     (Hex Byte List)                  Buffer
         (01 42 7A BF)                Buffer example (4 bytes)
     [Package Element List]           Package
         [0x01 0x1234 "string"]       Package example (3 elements)


# 传入Integer
- execute \_SB.TEC1 0xABCD
Evaluating \_SB.TEC1
ACPI Debug:  "000000000000ABCD"
Evaluation of \_SB.TEC1 returned object 00000000c727936a, external buffer length 18
 [Integer] = 000000000000ABCD

# 传入Buffer
- execute \_SB.TEC1 (00 11 22 33)
Evaluating \_SB.TEC1
ACPI Debug:  "0x00 0x11 0x22 0x33"
Evaluation of \_SB.TEC1 returned object 00000000c727936a, external buffer length 20
 [Buffer] Length 04 =

# 传入String
- execute \_SB.TEC1 "Hello World"
Evaluating \_SB.TEC1
ACPI Debug:  "Hello World"
Evaluation of \_SB.TEC1 returned object 00000000c727936a, external buffer length 28
 [String] Length 0B = "Hello World"



Control Method Single-Step Execution:
  Arguments (or Args)                 Display method arguments
  Breakpoint <AmlOffset>              Set an AML execution breakpoint
  Call                                Run to next control method invocation
  Go                                  Allow method to run to completion
  Information                         Display info about the current method
  Into                                Step into (not over) a method call
  List [# of Aml Opcodes]             Display method ASL statements
  Locals                              Display method local variables
  Results                             Display method result stack
  Set <A|L> <#> <Value>               Set method data (Arguments/Locals)
  Stop                                Terminate control method
  Tree                                Display control method calling tree
  <Enter>                             Single step next AML opcode (over calls)


- debug \_SB.TEC1 0x0102
Evaluating \_SB.TEC1
AML Opcode: 0070 Store # 这里指出下一步Store操作,对应的代码并不显示。

% arguments  # 这里操作提示符会变成%, arguments命令打印所有传入参数
Initialized Arguments for Method [TEC1]:  (1 arguments defined for method invocation)
  Arg0:   000000003e1754d7 <Obj>           Integer 0000000000000102

% # 直接Enter执行下一步  Store(Arg0, Local0)
ArgObj:  00000000c36bdcdf [Local] 0 0000000000000000 Uninitialized               # Local0 执行前值 (入参1)
ArgObj:  00000000c8dc3c8d [Argument] 0 000000003e1754d7 Integer 0000000000000102 # Arg0   执行前值 (入参2)
ResultObj: 000000003e1754d7 <Obj>           Integer 0000000000000102             # Result值,这里即Local0执行后的值

AML Opcode: 0073 Concatenate

% locals #locals命令打印所有临时变量

Initialized Local Variables for Method [TEC1]:
  Local0: 00000000c8dc3c8d <Obj>           Integer 0000000000000102

% set L 0 0x010203 #Set命令可以改变Args和Locals的值
Local0: 0000000007cfb617 <Obj>           Integer 0000000000010203

% locals #再次查看,Local0被Set命令改变。

Initialized Local Variables for Method [TEC1]:
  Local0: 0000000007cfb617 <Obj>           Integer 0000000000010203


全部的操作符可以通过ACPI Spec 19.6 ASL Operator Reference查找。



// delays longer than 100 microseconds must use Sleep instead of Stall.
Sleep (MilliSeconds) //ms


Stall (MicroSeconds) //us


打印字符串到debug console,这个和C语言类似。

Printf (FormatString, FormatArgs) => String


    Method (TST1) {
      Printf ("Hello world")
    Name (STR1, "it is a wonderful day")
    Method (TST2) {
      Printf ("Hello world, %o", STR1)


- execute \_SB.TST1
ACPI Debug:  "Hello world"

- execute \_SB.TST2
ACPI Debug:  "Hello world, it is a wonderful day"



Concatenate ( Source1, Source2, Result )  => Buffer or String


    Name (STR1, "it is a wonderful day")
    Name (STR2, " - Aaron Li.")
    Method (TST3) {
      Store (Concatenate ("Hello world, ", STR1), Local0)
      Store (Concatenate (Local0, STR2), Local1)
      Printf ("%o", Local1)


- execute \_SB.TST3
ACPI Debug:  "Hello world, it is a wonderful day - Aaron Li."

注:Printf其实是如下的Marco,Store(xxx, Debug) 即输出到debug console,参见Debug

Printf ("%o: Unexpected value for %o, %o at line %o", Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
// This Printf macro expression evaluates to the following ASL operation:
Store (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate
      (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate ("", Arg0),
      ": Unexpected value for "), Arg1), ", "), Arg2),
      " at line "), Arg3), Debug)



将UUID字符串转换成128-Bit Buffer。

ToUUID (AsciiString)  => Buffer


    Method (TST4) {
      Name (UID1, Buffer() {
        0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x00,
        0x55, 0x44,
        0x77, 0x66,
        0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF
      If(LEqual(UID1, ToUUID("00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF"))){
        Printf ("Same UUID")
      } Else {
        Printf ("Not Same UUID")


- execute \_SB.TST4
ACPI Debug:  "Same UUID"



Index (Source, Index, Destination) => ObjectReference


  1. SourceBuffer类型时,Index返回Buffer中第n个byte的Buffer Filed的Reference.
  2. SourceString类型时,Index返回String中第n个character的Buffer Filed的Reference.
  3. SourcePackage类型时,Index返回Package中第n个Object的Reference.


DerefOf (Source) => Object // Source is an object reference


// 类似于C的 (Arg0 + 4)
Index(Arg0, 4)           // Return Reference of the 4th buffer field of Arg0
Arg0[4]                  // Return Reference of the 4th buffer field of Arg0 (ASL+)
// 类似于C的 *(Arg0 + 4) 或 Arg0[4]
Derefof(Index(Arg0, 4))  // Return the 4th buffer field of Arg0
Derefof(Arg0[4])         // Return the 4th buffer field of Arg0 (ASL+)


    Method (TST8, 1)
      Store (Sizeof (Arg0), Local0)
      Store (Zero, Local1) // use this as the index value
      Printf ("The size of the buffer is %o", Local0)
      While (LLess(Local1, Local0)) { // Local1 < Local0
        Printf ("%o", Index (Arg0, Local1))
        Printf ("%o", Derefof (Index (Arg0, Local1)))
        Increment (Local1)


- execute \_SB.TST8 (00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05)
ACPI Debug:  "The size of the buffer is 0000000000000006"
ACPI Debug:  "[Reference Object]"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000000"
ACPI Debug:  "[Reference Object]"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000001"
ACPI Debug:  "[Reference Object]"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000002"
ACPI Debug:  "[Reference Object]"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000003"
ACPI Debug:  "[Reference Object]"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000004"
ACPI Debug:  "[Reference Object]"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000005"



    Method (TST9, 1)
      Store (Sizeof (Arg0), Local0)
      Store (Zero, Local1) // use this as the index value
      Printf ("The size of the buffer is %o", Local0)
      While (LLessEqual (Local1, Local0)) { // Local1 <= Local0, it would cause overflow.
        Printf ("%o", Derefof (Index (Arg0, Local1)))
        Increment (Local1)


- execute \_SB.TST9 (00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05)
Evaluating \_SB.TST9
ACPI Debug:  "The size of the buffer is 0000000000000006"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000000"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000001"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000002"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000003"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000004"
ACPI Debug:  "0000000000000005"
3ACPI BIOS Error (bug): AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT, Index (0x000000006) is beyond end of object (length 0x6) (20220331/exoparg2-393)
3ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.TST9 due to previous error (AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT) (20220331/psparse-529)


给Buffer中某段偏移命名,生成一个16-Bit的Buffer Field。

注:Derefof(Index())生成的Buffer Field都是8-Bit。

CreateWordField (SourceBuffer, ByteIndex, FieldName)


    Name (BUF1, buffer() {0xff, 0x2f, 0xea, 0x5c})
    CreateWordField (BUF1, 0x01, WRD1)
    //XCH1 and XCH2 will assign 0x00 to BUFF[1] and BUFF[2]
    Method (TST5)
      Store (0x01, Index(BUF1, 1))
      Store (0x02, Index(BUF1, 2))
      Return (BUF1)
    Method (TST6) // Index operator is not needed
      Store (0x0201, WRD1)
      Return (BUF1)



- debug \_SB.TST5
Evaluating \_SB.TST5
ArgObj:  000000006a91ef18 <Node>          Name BUF1 Buffer(4) FF 2F EA 5C
ResultObj: 00000000aeb9b579 <Obj>           Buffer(4) FF 2F EA 5C # Buffer 初始值
AML Opcode: 0088 Index
AML Opcode: 0070 Store
ResultObj: 00000000aeb9b579 <Obj>           Buffer(4) FF 01 EA 5C # Store(0x01, Index(BUF1, 1)) 执行后
AML Opcode: 0088 Index
AML Opcode: 0070 Store
ResultObj: 00000000aeb9b579 <Obj>           Buffer(4) FF 01 02 5C # Store(0x02, Index(BUF1, 2)) 执行后

- debug \_SB.TST6
Evaluating \_SB.TST6
AML Opcode: 0070 Store
ArgObj:  0000000034fbfb56 <Node>          Name WRD1 BufferField 000000003d1c7d53
ArgObj:  000000009e794f9b <Obj>           Integer 0000000000000201
ResultObj: 000000009e794f9b <Obj>           Integer 0000000000000201
ArgObj:  000000006a91ef18 <Node>          Name BUF1 Buffer(4) FF 01 02 5C
ResultObj: 00000000aeb9b579 <Obj>           Buffer(4) FF 01 02 5C # Store (0x0201, WRD1) 执行后


  1. CreateBitField Length: 1 bit
  2. CreateByteField Length: 1 byte
  3. CreateWordField Length: 2 bytes
  4. CreateDWordField Length: 4 bytes
  5. CreateQWordField Length: 8 bytes
  6. CreateField Length: 可变



ASL语言学习(3)- 隐式转换,Method调用



ASL语言学习(1)- 基本语法,作用域

